(WDIV) Tick season is in full swing.

While we emphasize things like using insect repellents and wearing long pants to reduce the chances of getting bitten, there are things you can also do to reduce their numbers in the your own backyard.

There is a whole lot of different ways to minimize ticks in the environment. For starters, ticks rely on the blood of different animals, including humans, to grow and reproduce. So one way to reduce tick exposures is to manage the critters carrying them.

“Deer are really the ‘Big Kahuna’ with ticks,” said Mark Vanderwerp, the manager of education at Rose Pest Solutions. “It can be a thrill to see a beautiful fawn walking through the yard but when you realize these very animals may be leaving ticks in your yard as they pass through, it suddenly takes on some new meanings.”

Reducing the deer in your yard is not easy. But repellent sprays and fencing can help. Ticks also can hitch a ride on smaller animals, so you should pay attention to rodents, too.

“I’m not telling anyone you have to kill all the animals in your area but you probably do want to make it a little less pleasant for them to nest right up against your structure, because that’s not where you want ticks,” said Vanderwerp.

Landscaping also can have an impact on your chances of having ticks in your yard.

“Grass is a great thing for tick management. Any time you have low or no foliage, it’s gonna be unfriendly to ticks,” said Vanderwerp.

Read more: http://bit.ly/2MWXK9N